Quote: " He obeyed the Party, but he still hated the Party. In the old days he had hidden a heretical mind beneath an appearance of conformity. Now he had retreated a step further: in the mind he had surrendered, but he had hoped to keep the inner heart inviolate. He knew that he was in the wrong, but he preferred to be in the wrong." (3.4.24) Response : The months of torture was effective for Winston's obedience. The rebellion was never fone from his heart. His rebellious spirit will never die or shrivel. The word choice like "heretical" and "conformity" portrays how much his life changed. It was full of tention and the battle of the spirit. The tone was full of pain, but at the same time a spirit of true defiance. This reminds me of many political rebellions. His actions and strong will is admirabl...