Quote (Page 141): "They were both breathing fast. But the smile had reappeared round the corners of her mouth. She stood looking at him for an instant, then felt at the zipper of her overalls. And, yes! It was almost as in his dream. Almost as swiftly as he had imagined it, she had torn her clothes off, and when she flung them aside it was with that same magnificent gesture by which a whole civilization seemed to be annihilated."
Response: I thought that this part of the chapter was very interesting. Winston's sexual desires are finally able to be expressed. It's crazy how the Party controls even citizen's libido. Winston's wanton emotions towards Julia made him oppressed. The tone of this quote is filled with passion and unleashed desire, "And, yes! It was almost as in his dream". I can vividly imagine the scene based on the deliberate word choice, "she had torn her clothes off, and when she flung them aside". In the past, Winston was chained by the Party, but at this point, he could care less of the consequence of his actions. I wonder why the Party prohibits sexual acts of citizens, even if they're not married. Maybe it is to control the birth rate of the country? For Winston, having intercourse with Julia is a great rebellious act towards the Party. He doesn't seem to hesitate and in fact thrilled with the situation.

It's crazy to think that a country could control it citizens so much, it even controls their sexual activity. It's just weird that they would do that since that's something private that happens in people's lives.
ReplyDeleteIn this specific section of the novel, it seems that this is all Winston has ever wanted, that all he ever really wanted was this moment with Julia. But does he really love Julia? This is just a constant question going through my head because in the beginning of the novel he hated her. It's just weird to think that after all the negative thoughts he had about her in the beginning of the novel ended up being wrong. Maybe he really enjoys it and wants to have this intercourse because it's an act of rebellion against the party or maybe he previously didn't like her because he thought he could never get with her. This all just happened so fast that all I could do is question this part of the novel.
I agree with your thoughts on the quote. I also found that I could vividly picture the scene. I liked how you stated what you thought the tone was. I, too, wonder why the Party is restricting sexual acts and emotions in general. If it was to control the birth rate of the country, why did they need to go to extreme lengths and cut off their emotions. I don't think I could ever survive in a society like this one. Overall, I thought your analysis for very nice and detailed.
ReplyDeleteIt makes you think about how hard it must be to live in a world where you can't even control your own desires. Like Lynda, this scene was a little confusing for me too. I didn't know if he really loved her or not. I enjoyed reading your analysis because it opened my eyes and helped me imagine this scene much more.
ReplyDeleteI think this was a very weird part of the book. I felt that it was difficult to interpret because it was so weird to read. I definitely agree with how it shows his rebellion to the Party. I did not think much about how he enjoyed it, but it is a key part in the enjoyment of his rebellious acts. Do you think that he might do more rebellious acts against the Party?
ReplyDeleteI agree with your analysis of the quote. They might want to control the birth rate of the country by prohibiting sexual intercourse before marriage. That's a very interesting take on it.